"ProtoThreads" with a twist.

For a long time I’v been interested in running game-specific/entity-specific code in coroutines. Something like the following. void some_game_object_behavior( entity ent, ... ) { pnt3 points[] = { {1,1,1}, {2,2,2}, {3,3,3}, {4,4,4} }; int pos = 0; while(entity_alive(ent)) { // move the entity to a position and yield coroutine while movement is ongoing. move_to(ent, points[pos % ARRAY_LENGTH(points)]); pos++; for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { shoot_bullet(ent); wait_sec(ent, 2); // do nothing for 2 seconds and yield the coroutine for that duration.

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